Thursday, December 10, 2009

MPW Presentation

02.12.2009 ( Wednesday)

Malaysia Culture Customs is our MPW presentation topic
02.12.2009, wed, 4 pm is our role play time
our group contain 8 Malaysian + 2 International Student
our role play included cat walk shows, drama & sang 1 malaysia's theme song
quite nervous before our role play start,
cox we seldom practice on it, since all of us are busy with other staff
luckily our role play can attract our classmate attention,
all of them keep on give a big hand to us.
some of them keep on holding their h/p take photo on us.
luckily all of us got strong 'mou qi'
lecturer says we can get either 14 or 15 marks over 15.
so happy when hear about that ^^
good jobs guys and gays :D

Saturday, November 14, 2009

1st SeCrEt dAtE

finally free update my blog le ^^
07.11.2009 (Saturday)
our 1st secret date...
go Station 1 with my 2 lovely sis - ann rea & ai li...
1st time fetch them...
arrive Station 1 around 11 am...
let's take a look with our food...
3 differ type of chop...
fish chop + chicken chop + maryland chop...
our drinks...
have our meal and chat till 1 pm...
rushing back to SK fetch my lovely mum...
when arrive home,
play mahjong + chat at my room...
so... so... so... enjoy with them...
hope our 2nd secret date will come soon ^^

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sushi Zanmai & Pasta Zanmai

if u like to eat sushi & pasta...
than u must go and have a try in Sushi Zanmai & Pasta Zanmai...
Sushi Zanmai at The Garden & Pasta Zanmai at 1 Utama that I have go and try be4...
Sushi at Sushi Zanmai is more delicious, fresh and cheaper than Sushi King...
there are many differ choices can choose in Sushi Zanmai & Pasta Zanmai...
besides that, u can enjoy ur food under a nice, quiet and beautiful environment...
just share few photos about d food at Sushi Zanmai & Pasta Zanmai ^^

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Mid Valley dessert shop, forgot wat is d restaurant name...
quite like this 2 desert...

sweet and sour drinkkiwi jelly soya

Saturday, October 24, 2009

晨运 + 早餐

今天很勤劳的,一大早就爬起来 了.
和紫仪+珈娴+忠良+伟新去BUKIT JALIL 公园跑步.
去到BUKIT JALIL 都已经7.30 am.
CAR PARK 里已有很多车. 那证明我们不算早了.
有老人家 & 成人 & 小孩 & BABY.
去的目的除了跑步之外,还要寻找山猪的踪影 ~(*0*)~
不过很不幸的, 每次我去都看不到山猪的踪影. 只看到猴子. 今天也不例外.
伟新说那是OUG很出名的 CURRY MEE.
CURRY MEE 还算不错吃啦.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


導演:Roland Emmerich
演員:John Cusack、Amanda Peet



Jackson Curtis帶着他的兩個小孩到黃石公園履行家庭之旅,隨後他們在乾涸的河床里偶然發現一座龐大的硏究設備,並且揭露國家一直以來不對外公佈及隱瞞的秘密 ——世界即將毀滅。當Jackson目睹到地震、火山爆發、海嘯及其他自然災害,爲了拯救自己及家人,他不得不依靠自己了……。





說了這麼多,也許你會覺得這些都很無謂,之前的一大堆末日預言還不是都沒發生。但爲何瑪雅人所 説的末日預言,會受到人們的重視?據知,瑪雅民族是一個神秘的民族,沒有人知道他們的由來,也沒人知道他們爲何瞬間全部消失。瑪雅曆法的計算非常準確,他 們早已知道地球公轉時間,是365日又6小時24分20秒,與現代科學計算差誤非常少。他們也預測到了汽車、飛機的生産日期,就連希特勒的出生和死亡日期 亦預測得完全正確。


waiting to go watch《2012》with my lovely sis - ann rea & ai li.

remember our date o ^^

Friday, October 16, 2009

HaPpY DaY ^^

ai li fetch me go visit tarc college (tarc) in setapak.
1st time visit her college + attend tarc lecture.

her college quite differ v my sch - multimedia university (mmu).

how to says le, tarc's students dress code, attitude during class, building are very differ v mmu.

- tarc's studens can wear short short de cloth in campus, but mmu student cant do that. if u refuse to listen, u will get a saman from security department.

- some of the building in tarc look like secondary school building.

********** ********** ********** **********
have lunch with ai li nearby serdang church.
after that, back SMKSK (our secondary sch) take 1119 certificate.

arrive sch at 2 pm, but notice that office is close.

wait for about 1 hour, only can get out certificate. really 'beh tahan'.

********** ********** ********** **********
visit ann rea's house.
3 of us chat and play mahjong together.

long time didn't play mahjong with them le.
really enjoy with them.

hope our sistership will last forever ^^

Thursday, October 15, 2009

5 Daisi 3 GaTheRiNg ^^

5 Daisi 3 Gathering
- Place: South City Old Town
- Time: 8.30 pm - 12.30 am

- Total People Attend: 19

almost 2 years didn't meet Form 5 classmate...
actually got few times gathering in between this 2 years...
but I didn't attend those gathering...
I think this is the 1st time we meet each other after graduate...
having great memory v them in Form 4 & Form 5....
although long time didn't meet, but we look like not much to talk...
just having great chat v geryee, hui ying, chuo yee and yong zhong...
suddenly receive ting yip's message - ask me whether isn't in old town?
quite surprise meet him there. feel so sorry to him...
cox he ask me go in and chat v him, but i refuse to do that...
cox I think that if I leave like that, show not respect to my classmate....
at the same time, we have celebrate fiona and siew yau 's birthday ^^
leave old town at 12.30 am...
yong zhong fetch us back, arrive home at 12.45 am...
arrive home, just know that dad and mum also just come back from a drink v their friends...
I realize that I went back home late frequently nowadays...
seldom do that last time ~(*.*)~

Friday, October 9, 2009

~ 生活 ~

这两天,都在追看 TVB 连续剧 - 烈火雄心 3.
突然发现, 最近 TVB 连续剧都喜欢在剧情里添加名句.
就像烈火雄心 3的 out of difficulties, make miracle.
还有 TVB 连续剧 - 巾XXX 的 人生有多少个10年, 最重要活的精采.
到目前为止,很喜欢烈火雄心 3 的剧情.通过剧情, 突然领悟到:

  • 即使兄弟/姐妹(好朋友)之间吵架了, 终有一天一定会和好如初.
因为不是每个人都可以成为兄弟/姐妹(好朋友). 只有有缘的人, 才会成为兄弟/姐妹(好朋友). 人于人之间的友谊, 是最珍贵的. 所以无论放生什么事, 都不要轻易放弃友情.要努力的维持它.
  • 消防员是伟大的人物之一.
发生火灾/车祸时, 世上只有一群人才可以救我们脱离危险. 那就是消防员. 除了他们,还有谁呢???无论事发时,是多么的严重,他们都会拼了命&用尽全力救我们.

********** ********** ********** ********** **********

别姐和别姐夫昨天去了NEW ZEALAND travelling.
留下BABY ZI YI 给姨妈照顾.
这是第一次BABY ZI YI 离开父母身边.
听表姐说, 他一整天都在哭, 哭个不停.
别姐去玩之前, 就叫我得空就去帮姨妈照顾BABY ZI YI.
免得白天的时候, 家里只剩下姨妈和BABY ZI YI 时, 姨妈会忙个不停.
既然我现在在放假当中, 就去和BABY ZI YI 玩玩啦. 哈哈...
希望BABY ZI YI 不要再到处找父母了, 你的父母还有2 个星期才回来.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

~ 吃.喝.玩.乐. ~

20.09.2009 (Sunday)

wake up in d early morning,
went "hong tou yuan" dim sum restaurant have our breakfast.
after that,
go RAUB - durian farm eat durian.
about 1 and a half hour, arrive our destination - RAUB.

durian, i loving it ^^

langsat on tree, 1st time saw this...
sis + baby zhi yi + js v durian ^^
this is d 1st time baby eat durian,
he quite like to eat.

next destination,
went nearby RAUB ice -cream shop,
ate ABC + vanilla ice - cream.
not so so special, but a lot people went ate.
dunno y????

finally back KL le.
arrive KL aunt house about 6 o'clock.
went CHERAS restaurant 988 have our dinner.
arrive there but no parking,
so we decide park like this.
2 parking for 3 cars...

rushing back after dinner to have gathering v friends at gasoline ^^

Sunday, September 6, 2009


05.09.2009 (Saturaday)

9.30 am:紫仪和我到沙登巴刹买火锅材料.

9.45 am:去到巴刹,当然是去吃早餐啦.不然那里有力气走呢?哈哈......
指点(监督)我们的人 - 伟新终于到了.

10.30 am:他发挥他对巴刹的认识,带我们去买火锅材料.

10.45 am:终于选完材料了,老板娘突然说我们8个人吃,材料太多了.选完材料还要烦,不知不要那个才好.每样看起来都那么好吃.经过一番考虑后,我们决定全买.

11.00am:个自回家. 赶 assignment.

大约12 pm, 我的好妹妹-安茹打给我.跟她聊了很多.把我身边发生很多很多的事告诉了她.心里顿时轻松了.有很多事,不方便跟其他朋友说,就是除了妹妹.谢谢你安茹.

01.00 pm:continue 赶 assignment.

04.00 pm: 忠良载紫仪,惠樱和我去他的新家.

04.30 pm:洗材料时间了!!!

06.00 pm:累倒!!!!!! 无话可说.

07.00 pm:全部人都到齐了.开餐时间到!!!大家都拼命吃,爽!!!!!!

09.00 pm:大家都围在一起玩麻将.大家一边玩麻将,一边看FINAL DESTINATION.笑声+尖叫声陪伴着我们渡过...

11.00 pm:珈娴和文良负责收拾.收拾了大半天,终于收拾好了.回家时间到!!!


* 遗憾的是,忘了拍照.


Thursday, August 20, 2009


每次和你唱K都会点的歌 ~怀念的~
今天在GREEN BOX唱K也不例外

我怀念的是 无话不说
我怀念的是 一起做梦
我怀念的是 无言感动

一边听着 ~我怀念的~
真有意识 ^^

Saturday, August 1, 2009

~ Beta Year : 1st mid - term break ~

so~so~so happy...
finally mid term break is coming...
having break from 1 Aug till 10 Aug...
although 1 week too short...
but is enough for me to rest le...
last week had my 1st mid term exam (4 papers) in MMU, Cyberjaya campus
really so~so~so tired within that week...
everyday also not enough sleep...
at most sleep only 6 hours a day...
keep on studying & studying...
got 2 day almost stay more than half day at campus...
mon: 7 am till 7 pm...
wed: 7 am till 9.30 pm...
really cant imaging i can stay such a long time in campus...
haha ^^
Is TiMe tO ReSt !!!

must use this break to finish
- all d assignment, homework !!!
- sleep~sleep~sleep
- watch drama
- clean my study table

cannot waste any time le...
~ work hard for it ~

TiMes SqUarE @ 18/07 ~ Saturday

although this post come late, but ... ...
really have a nice day with u all at TiMes SqUarE...
still remember that day we all keep on shopping & shopping...
all r busy looking & trying shoes...
haha ^^
although Melacca & Kuala Lumpur not so far...
BuT... ...
really so hard for us to gather again like that day...

Friends Forever ^^
~Keep in touch~

Friday, July 24, 2009

bIrThDay 2009 ^^

I have celebrate my 19 birthday at LOOK UP POINT , Ampang
with my dearest family - 13 person...
outlook of the restaurant...
it was a best place to celebrate birthday...
all d light will be close when people deliver d cake to u...
a song of Happy Birthday is play...
people they will sang birthday song to u...thanks to my sis + her bf
for d cake ...

Thanks to all my friends that help me celebrate my birthday ^^
1. The Mines - Old Town
* love *ann rea + js + ai li
special pic ^^

2. Taman Equine - Station 1
all of us ^^
geryee + jschuo yee + js + geryee
js + yong zhongzhong liang + geryee + js + kah han

3. Thanks to SiStEr's gAnG...
for d birthday card...
like it so much ^^

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cyber - Beta Life ^^

每天早上6点起身, 6.30 驾车去上课...
>>> 吃早餐 + 听 ONE FM + 读 SUN NEWSPAPER + 发呆 ...


(可能我太早去学校了,没人跟我争) ^^



不知是那个电视台的演员 + 工作人员...
顿时把FOM CAFE照得亮亮的...